For more info on Simblreen 2023, please visit If you’d like to check out my treats from previous years, click here!.If you'd prefer to trick-or-treat via my ask box, feel free to do so! As always, please send a message off anon.I’ll let you know if there are repeat treats or not! I plan on giving out different treats each day, but this may change due to what I’m able to finish creating.Please DO NOT reblog or share the treats once you’ve received/found them! They’re supposed to be a fun surprise and will be released publicly after the event.Once found, click the pumpkin and you’ll be taken to a CC treat! It could appear in the form of an emoji or an image. While my porchlight is on, take a look all over my blog and keep an eye out for a pumpkin.When my porchlight is on, I will make a post announcing it I’ll let you know when my light is off as well!.Hello everyone! I wanted to make a quick post to tell you that I’ll be participating in Week 2 of this year’s Simblreen ! Here’s a breakdown of what to expect: